Fueling Your Fun,
One Bite at a Time!






Snacbar is healthy and wholesome protein bar brand making its grand entrance into D2C market, armed with a revolutionary approach to reaching the right audience with its irresistible range of real wholesome bars. In a world where fast-paced lives leave little room for self-care, Snacbar emerges as the ultimate companion, championing the need for wholesome snacking.
We were thrilled to embark on this journey with them. our collaboration involved extensive research, strategic branding, and innovative packaging design for their exceptional range of protein bars – a true game-changer in the industry.
One key finding was the need for transparency and authenticity in snack products. Current packaging trends heavily rely on imagery, often creating unrealistic expectations. Snacbar takes a refreshing approach by focusing on typography as the main element in its packaging design. This decision is rooted in consumer feedback, highlighting the desire for clear and honest communication about ingredients, nutritional benefits, and flavor profiles.
Branding and packaging for Healthy Snacbar by Devolv Studio Design Agency
Branding and packaging for Healthy Snacbar by Devolv Studio Design Agency
Branding and packaging for Healthy Snacbar by Devolv Studio Design Agency


Snacbar is on a mission to make snacking both delicious and nourishing with bars made from wholesome, real food ingredients. A brand that believes in empowering customers to make healthy snacking choices without sacrificing taste, so they can feel good about what they eat and fuel their bodies for their best lives.

The launch series consists of five Bars – Multigrain Bar, Pure Protein Bar, Desi Nutrient Bar, Superfood Bar, Hunger Munchies Bar.
Snacbar Protein Bar Branding and Packaging
Snackbar Protein Bar Branding and Packaging
Snackbar Protein Bar Branding and Packaging
Branding and packaging for Healthy Snacbar by Devolv Studio Design Agency
Branding and packaging for Healthy Snacbar by Devolv Studio Design Agency
Branding and packaging for Healthy Snacbar by Devolv Studio Design Agency
Branding and packaging for Healthy Snacbar by Devolv Studio Design Agency
Branding and packaging for Healthy Snacbar by Devolv Studio Design Agency
Snacbar Protein Pacakaging
Snacbar Protein Bar Branding and Packaging
Snackbar Protein Bar Branding and Packaging
Branding and packaging for Healthy Snacbar by Devolv Studio Design Agency
Snacbar Protein Bar Branding and Packaging
Branding and packaging for Healthy Snacbar by Devolv Studio Design Agency
Branding and packaging for Healthy Snacbar by Devolv Studio Design Agency
Branding and packaging for Healthy Snacbar by Devolv Studio Design Agency| Devolv Studio
Snackbar Protein Bar Branding and Packaging
Branding and packaging for Healthy Snacbar by Devolv Studio Design Agency
Snackbar Protein Bar Branding and Packaging
Snackbar Protein Bar Branding and Packaging
Snackbar Protein Bar Branding and Packaging
Branding and packaging for Healthy Snacbar by Devolv Studio Design Agency
Branding and packaging for Healthy Snacbar by Devolv Studio Design Agency
Snacbar Protein Bar Branding and Packaging
Snacbar Protein Bar Branding and Packaging


Strategy & Creative Director

Shruti Dhuria


Neetu Soni

Design Director

Monica Singh